Importance of Wall Art for Guest Room


Wall art is a great way to decorate your rooms of homes and offices. The best part is that you can find thousands of options when you go out to shop for wall art in the budget and size you look to have. In all probability the first place you buy a wall art piece or a painting is your drawing room or lobby area which gives you a sense of boastful feeling both for you and your visitors. After you are done with wall decor of your drawing rooms and lobby the first thing you should consider beyond that is to decorate the wall of your guest room or the famously known the third room.

How often did you find yourself in a room of someone you recently visited and stayed in, as a place that looks like a store despite being in good size. Well if we ask someone who is a regular they shall certainly nod their head. The reason is simple, bare walls not only look shabby and untidy but also give the feeling as if the room is not occupied by anyone and hence an emptiness which leaves a very negative effect on how your guest feels.

Always remember your guest shall never complaint you of this awful feeling since they too might not really figure out as to why the room you gave them looked so gloomy and sad. wall art is your answer to this problem as what you can get from it is more than what it does in your lobby and drawing room area. It brings in the charm and livelihood inside the room that is not really occupied for a long time or mainly used to store stuff not required in daily life. Thus by using wall art in the guest room you could easily lift the environment of the room in a spiffy.

After figuring out the importance of wall in guest rooms, which you had been ignoring since a long time, one is always confused as to what type of wall art or design should be put inside the room. There are some basic points that are to be avoided which are mainly, avoid religious art and paintings in the guest room since you never know who comes to stay at your place. Secondly, do not put up very small pieces of art since this room shall not be a part of your daily dusting and day care hence catching up with lots fo dust in the middle of the small framed art hung on the walls.

While deciding for some great wall art try browsing some good art prints and posters online which could be a great product to put up. With vast variety of art prints know available online in India you shall never have any difficulty in choosing the wall art that shall look stunningly beautiful as well as inviting to your guests. Do not hesitate to choose what you like, since you can never figure out what your visitors generally like. Thus it is best adivced to choose something that is of your intrest but you could not have used it in other areas of your home due to reasons beyond your control.

As per suggestion for wall art to be put in guest rooms, floral art prints and abstracts of large size the ones greater than 24 inches can do wonderful in a guest room. Avoid using movie posters inside your guest room since they do not resonate well with all age groups.

In your quest to make your home beautiful do not loose the importance of wall in your guest rooms.



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